Student Participation

Student participation in school governance is channeled through the Student Senate. The senate is composed of class officers from each year of the BS Pharmacology/Toxicology and PharmD programs, as well as elected representatives from each of the registered student organizations affiliated with the school.

The Dean and Associate Dean for Student Affairs attend Student Senate meetings and engage the students in a wide array of school-level issues of importance to students. Senate members are also invited to attend school-wide retreats, town hall meetings, and a variety of other events to ensure that the student voice is heard. The Student Senate chair is a member of the Awards and Citations Committee, and students are invited to be members of many other school-level committees (Assessment, Awards and Citations, Student Inclusivity, Curriculum, PharmD Admissions, the Experiential Learning Program’s Quality Review Council, Interprofessional Practice and Education, and Student Professional Development and Well-Being).  The Student Senate also solicits nominations for and selects the School of Pharmacy Distinguished Teacher of the Year.  In addition to local recognition and a $1,000 award, the person selected for the award accompanies the dean to the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) and receives national recognition. 

An important function conducted by the individual PharmD classes is the selection of a Teacher of the Year for each class.  Each recipient receives a $1,000 Award. Students in the Pharmacology-Toxicology Program also select a Teacher of the Year.  The recipient receives a $500 award.