The School of Pharmacy provides recognition of and support to faculty members through endowed distinguished chairs, chairs and professorships. Specifics of each named chair and professorship vary due to the wishes of the donors, but some standard practices have been developed to guide the selection and administration of named chairs.
In spring of the fiscal year when a named chair or professorship term will expire, the dean discusses the situation with the relevant division chair and the current chair/professorship holder. Nominations, including self-nominations, are sought from faculty eligible for the chair or professorship in question, to begin July 1. The dean appoints a 3-person selection committee from members and advisory members of the Executive Committee who review application/nomination materials. The selection committee chair provides a recommendation to the Executive Committee along with a written summary in support of the recommendation. After Executive Committee approval, the dean forwards the information to the chancellor for upstream approval.
Janis Apinis Professorship in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Faculty eligible for the Janis Apinis Professorship are full-time tenured professors in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division. The holder of the Apinis Professorship will be an outstanding scholar whose research is focused on drug discovery. The application packets are to include a current CV, a brief description of past/current excellence and impact in current research, teaching, service, or outreach, and a description of what special project/activity the professorship would allow. The Apinis Professorship consists of a 5-year renewable term, beginning on July 1, and provides a $25,000 annual budget for research, teaching, and/or outreach activities.
William S. Apple Distinguished Chair in Social and Administrative Sciences
Faculty eligible for the William S. Apple Chair are full professors in Social and Administrative Sciences or in the Division of Pharmacy Professional Development. The holder of the Apple Chair will be an outstanding scholar and have interests consistent with Dr. Apple’s background an d areas of significant skill and intense passion, namely the social and administrative sciences, including continuing education in pharmacy, history of pharmacy, pharmacy administration, and social/behavioral sciences. The application packets are to include a current CV, a brief description of past/current excellence in professional activities, and a plan (2-page maximum) of additional activities (teaching, research, service), that would be supported through the chair award and how they are consistent with the principles and practices for which Dr. Apple was world-famous. The Apple Chair consists of a 5-year renewable term, beginning on July 1, and provides a $10,000 per year salary supplement plus $20,000 per year in support of professional activities. The dollars supporting professional activities must be used within 1 year of the end of the term as named chair. Funds can be used for a portion of the chair holder’s base salary at the discretion of the dean.
Hammel/Sanders Distinguished Chair in Pharmacy Administration
Faculty eligible for the Hammel/Sanders Chair are full-time tenured professors or associate professors in the Social and Administrative Sciences Division with a pharmacy degree in conjunction with a PhD. The holder of the Hammel/Sanders Chair will be an outstanding scholar, specializing in the traditional area of pharmacy administration. This area draws primarily on the administrative sciences, such as marketing, marketing research, accounting, finance, economics, management, and law, to synthesize, analyze, and evaluate theories and principles that can be applied to administrative, management, and operations issues, and problems in pharmacy. The application packets are to include a current CV, a brief description of past/current excellence in professional activities, and a plan (2-page maximum) of additional activities (teaching, research, service) , that would be supported through the chair award and how planned research, teaching, service, or outreach activities would positively impact the pharmacy businessperson “in the trenches” and, therefore, the citizens of WI. The Hammel/Sanders Chair consists of a 5-year term, beginning on July 1, and is not renewable. It provides a $10,000 per year salary supplement plus $20,000 per yea r in support of professional activities. The dollars supporting professional activities must be used within 1 year of the end of the term as named chair. Funds can be used for a portion of the chair holder’s base salary at the discretion of the dean.
Jens T. Carstensen Distinguished Chair in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Faculty eligible for the Jens T. Carstensen Chair are full professors in the Pharmaceutical Science Division with at least a 75% appointment in the school, with preference going to members of the Drug Delivery Core. The holder of the Carstensen Chair will be an outstanding scholar with sustained achievement in teaching, research, service, and outreach categorized by excellence and impact. The application packets are to include a current CV, a brief description of past/current excellence in professional activities, and a plan (2-page maximum) of additional activities (teaching, research, service), that would be supported through the chair award. The Carstensen Chair consists of a 5-year term, renewable once, beginning on July 1, and provides a $10,000 per year salary supplement plus $25,000 per year in support of professional activities. The dollars supporting professional activities must be used within 1 year of the end of the term as named chair. Funds can be used for a portion of the chair holder’s base salary at the discretion of the dean.
Charles Melbourne Johnson Distinguished Chair in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Faculty eligible for the Charles Melbourne Johnson chair are full professors in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division with at least a 75% appointment in the school. The holder of the Johnson Chair will be an outstanding scholar with sustained achievement in teaching, research, service, and outreach categorized by excellence and impact. The application packets are to include a current CV, a brief description of past/current excellence in professional activities, and a plan (2-page maximum) of additional activities (teaching, research, service) , that would be supported through the chair award. The Johnson Chair consists of a 5-year term, renewable once, beginning on July 1, and provides a $10,000 per year salary supplement plus $40,000 per year in support of professional activities. The dollars supporting professional activities must be used within 1 year of the end of the term as named chair. Funds can be used for a portion of the chair holder’s base salary at the discretion of the dean.
Laura and Edward Kremers Chair in Natural Products Chemistry
Faculty eligible for the Kremers Chair are full-time tenured professors or associate professors in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division focused in the focused in the discovery, development, and study of drugs derived from natural sources, preferably involving the chemistry of medicinal plants. The holder of the Kremers Chair will be an outstanding scholar with sustained achievement in teaching, research, service, and/or outreach categorized by excellence and impact. The application packets are to include a current CV, a brief description of excellence and impact in research, teaching, service and/or outreach, and what special project/activity the chair would allow. The Kremers Chair consists of a 5-year term, beginning on July 1, and is renewable. It provides a $10,000 per year salary supplement plus $25,000 annual budget for research, teaching, service, and/or outreach activities.