The chair of the division where the faculty member will be housed discusses the prospect of hiring a faculty member with the dean. If the dean approves, the chair brings the recruitment proposal to the Executive Committee for consideration. If approved, the dean works with the division chair to create a search and screen committee.
The committee should be comprised of a chair who is a member of the division where the search originates (the ‘home division’ ), 3 to 4 members from the home division, and at least 1 member from another division in SoP. Non- SoP members can be added if deemed appropriate by the dean and the committee chair.
For additional information on how to build a diverse search committee, refer to WISELI -Searching for Excellence & Diversity guide. All search committee members are required to participate in the WISELI’s workshop “Searching for Excellence and Diversity” or similar training within at least three years prior to serving on a search committee. The dean will solicit faculty to serve on the search committee who, if they accept, become part of the search committee after formal notification by the dean.
The dean will call a meeting of the search committee and the school’s human resources manager to charge the committee and review related policies, regulations and best practices regarding the search process. The search and screen committee will draft a position vacancy listing (PVL), which will then be presented to the home division for review, modification if needed and endorsement. In special urgent circumstances and with the approval of the Dean’s Advisory Council, the PVL can be reviewed by the home division through email. The home division’s endorsed PVL will then be submitted to the dean for review and approval prior to it being submitted to the human resources manager. The human resource manager will review and finalize the PVL for submission to the campus Office of Human Resources (OHR) for their review and final approval. Once approved by OHR, the PVL will be posted for recruitment and applications can be accepted.
Standard procedures for a fair and equitable search will be followed, using the human resources manager as a resource person. Search committee chairs are encouraged to periodically update their home division as to the progress of the search process, as well as candidate interview scheduling needs. Specific detail s of the search and names of applicants/candidates should be avoided until finalists are announced. It is important to maintain confidentiality about the search as it respects and protects the privacy of applicants, but also that of the committee. The information discussed during the search process should be held confidential in perpetuity, not just until the search is over. For additional information on confidentiality and disclosure responsibilities for search committees, refer to WISELI-Searching for Excellence & Diversity guide.
At the conclusion of the finalist interviews, the results of the search, with rank ordering of the candidates, will then be presented to the division from which the hire will occur, discussed and an endorsement secured. Within four business days prior to the next Executive Committee meeting, the chair of the search committee must make available to the Executive Committee (eg, post in the appropriate Box file) the approved, ranked list of finalists and each finalist’s application packet. At the next scheduled Executive Committee meeting, the chair of the search committee will present the committee’s rationale for the rank ordering. After discussion in the Executive Committee, a vote for recommendation of approval of the rank order listing will be taken. If the dean approves the rank ordering, the dean will then begin the negotiating process for hiring. If the dean approves, the chair of the search committee will contact the first-ranked candidate to invite him/her for a second visit during which the dean will then begin the negotiating process for hiring. If the dean disagrees, the dean will meet with the search committee for further discussion.