Division Chairs
The division chairs are responsible for oversight of division contributions to and participation in undergraduate, professional , and graduate programs, as appropriate, both inside the school and outside as part of interdisciplinary programs across campus. Other major roles include management of division faculty activities/workload and oversight of faculty, staff, students, fellows, residents (as appropriate) and their mentoring, progress, evaluation, and professional development; management of division space; hiring and supervision of division support staff; participation in division faculty recruitment and retention; leading division strategic planning and evaluation; and calling and chairing division faculty/staff meetings. The chair of the Division of Pharmacy Professional Development manages the division’s budget as well. Division chairs serve on the Faculty Activities Review Committee and the Dean’s Advisory Council and submit an annual report to the dean each spring semester on division activities and how they support the school’s strategic priorities.
Election Process
Division chairs are elected for a 3-year term with a July 1 start date by the vote of the respective division faculty. (The chair position in the Division of Pharmacy Professional Development does not follow this practice.) Early in spring semester before a chair’s term expires, the dean solicits nominations for the next division chair from the division faculty. Soon thereafter, ballots are provided to division faculty. If a sitting chair steps down from the position or retires, a mid-term election is held to select a chair to serve out the remainder of the 3-year term.
Division Vice Chairs
Divisions may appoint one or more vice chairs, if desired, for 3-year terms. The process and timing of election/appointment are managed at the division level. The roles and responsibilities of the division vice chairs are determined by the division chairs.
Academic Planning Council
The APC is an elected, representative group required by UW policy https://secfac.wisc.edu/governance/faculty-legislation/fpp_ch_3/#3.08.). The council’s major functions are to serve as the school’s main governance body for (1) major programmatic and curricular issues, such as the creation, deletion, or review of academic programs, (2) oversight of educational/programmatic outcomes assessment, and (3) strategic planning.
Election Process
In spring semester of each year, the dean solicits nominations from the division chairs for faculty to stand for election to the APC vacancies in the following academic year. In early summer, ballots for the APC election are provided to all departmental (school) faculty. Two members of each of the three academic divisions are elected by the departmental (school) faculty to serve staggered 3 – year terms of service. For purposes r elating to the APC, faculty in the Division of Pharmacy Professional Development are consider ed jointly with the Social and Administrative Sciences Division faculty .
The Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs chairs the APC, the Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies is a frequent attendee, and the Director of Assessment is a key resource person.
Faculty Activities Review
In spring of each year, the dean solicits nominations from the division chairs for faculty to stand for election to the Faculty Activities Review Committee for the following academic year. In early summer, ballots for the Faculty Activities Review Committee election are provided to the members and advisory members of the Executive Committee. Division chairs are automatic members; one member of each of the three academic divisions is elected by the Executive Committee to serve a 1-year term of service. The Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs chairs the Faculty Activities Review Committee.
Read more about the Faculty Activities Review Committee »
University Faculty Senate
Based on the number of tenure track faculty, the school is allotted three seats on the UW Faculty Senate. Based on the number of tenure track faculty within the divisions, the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division is allotted two seats and the Social and Administrative Sciences Division is allotted one seat.
CHS and clinical track faculty are not permitted to serve on the UW Faculty Senate.
Election Process
In spring semester before the three senators’ and alternates’ terms expire, the dean solicits nominations for the next faculty senators from the tenure track faculty. Soon thereafter, ballots are provided to tenure track faculty. If a sitting senator steps down from the position or retires, the division chair identifies a replacement to serve out the remaining term. Senators serve 3-year terms beginning in September and can be reelected once.
Read more about the Faculty Senate at