SAS: Policies Governing Faculty Appointments and Promotion

Social & Administrative Sciences Division
Policies Governing Faculty Appointments and Promotion

–   Approved by the Social and Administrative Sciences Division Faculty, December 20, 2016  –
Approved by the School of Pharmacy Executive Committee on

The mission of the Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy (SAS) Division includes conducting high quality interdisciplinary research leading to new knowledge and understanding; preparing MS and PhD students for independent, theory-based research and teaching; and providing professional pharmacy students with social and administrative science knowledge, understanding, and skills required for high quality, patient-centered care and practice management. The division focuses on the scientific and humanistic bases for understanding and influencing interactions involving patients, medicines, caregivers, and health care systems, integrating knowledge of pharmacy and pharmaceuticals with knowledge from economics, history, sociology, psychology, management sciences, epidemiology, and law.

Both appointment of faculty members and promotion with tenure of faculty members in the division recognize and reward ability and accomplishments in research, teaching, and service.